Which Of The Statements Is True Of Saltwater And Freshwater Animal Waste Management Systems Brainly
Chapter xx: Ecosystems and the Biosphere
Biogeochemical Cycles
Learning Objectives
By the end of this department, you lot volition be able to:
- Talk over the biogeochemical cycles of water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur
- Explain how man activities have impacted these cycles and the resulting potential consequences for Earth
Energy flows directionally through ecosystems, entering as sunlight (or inorganic molecules for chemoautotrophs) and leaving every bit heat during the transfers between trophic levels. Rather than flowing through an ecosystem, the matter that makes upwards living organisms is conserved and recycled. The six about common elements associated with organic molecules—carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur—take a variety of chemical forms and may exist for long periods in the atmosphere, on land, in water, or below Earth's surface. Geologic processes, such every bit weathering, erosion, h2o drainage, and the subduction of the continental plates, all play a office in the cycling of elements on World. Considering geology and chemistry have major roles in the study of this process, the recycling of inorganic thing between living organisms and their nonliving surround is called a biogeochemical cycle.
Water, which contains hydrogen and oxygen, is essential to all living processes. The hydrosphere is the area of Earth where water movement and storage occurs: every bit liquid h2o on the surface (rivers, lakes, oceans) and beneath the surface (groundwater) or ice, (polar ice caps and glaciers), and equally h2o vapor in the atmosphere. Carbon is found in all organic macromolecules and is an of import constituent of fossil fuels. Nitrogen is a major component of our nucleic acids and proteins and is disquisitional to human agronomics. Phosphorus, a major component of nucleic acids, is one of the principal ingredients (along with nitrogen) in artificial fertilizers used in agriculture, which has ecology impacts on our surface water. Sulfur, disquisitional to the 3-dimensional folding of proteins (equally in disulfide binding), is released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels.
The cycling of these elements is interconnected. For example, the move of h2o is critical for the leaching of nitrogen and phosphate into rivers, lakes, and oceans. The bounding main is also a major reservoir for carbon. Thus, mineral nutrients are cycled, either apace or slowly, through the unabridged biosphere between the biotic and abiotic globe and from 1 living organism to another.
Caput to this website to learn more most biogeochemical cycles.
The Water Cycle
Water is essential for all living processes. The human trunk is more than one-half water and human being cells are more than 70 per centum water. Thus, most country animals need a supply of fresh water to survive. Of the stores of water on World, 97.v percent is salt water ([Effigy 1]). Of the remaining water, 99 percent is locked as secret h2o or ice. Thus, less than ane percent of fresh h2o is present in lakes and rivers. Many living things are dependent on this modest amount of surface fresh water supply, a lack of which can have of import effects on ecosystem dynamics. Humans, of course, take developed technologies to increment water availability, such every bit excavation wells to harvest groundwater, storing rainwater, and using desalination to obtain drinkable water from the ocean. Although this pursuit of drinkable h2o has been ongoing throughout human being history, the supply of fresh water continues to be a major issue in modern times.

The various processes that occur during the cycling of water are illustrated in [Figure 2]. The processes include the following:
- evaporation and sublimation
- condensation and precipitation
- subsurface water menses
- surface runoff and snowmelt
- streamflow
The h2o cycle is driven by the Lord's day's energy as it warms the oceans and other surface waters. This leads to evaporation (water to water vapor) of liquid surface water and sublimation (ice to water vapor) of frozen water, thus moving large amounts of h2o into the atmosphere as water vapor. Over fourth dimension, this h2o vapor condenses into clouds as liquid or frozen aerosol and eventually leads to precipitation (pelting or snow), which returns water to Earth's surface. Rain reaching Earth's surface may evaporate again, flow over the surface, or percolate into the footing. Most easily observed is surface runoff: the flow of fresh h2o either from rain or melting ice. Runoff can brand its mode through streams and lakes to the oceans or menses directly to the oceans themselves.
In most natural terrestrial environments rain encounters vegetation earlier information technology reaches the soil surface. A significant percentage of water evaporates immediately from the surfaces of plants. What is left reaches the soil and begins to move down. Surface runoff volition occur just if the soil becomes saturated with water in a heavy rainfall. About h2o in the soil will exist taken up by plant roots. The establish will use some of this water for its own metabolism, and some of that will notice its manner into animals that eat the plants, simply much of information technology volition be lost back to the atmosphere through a process known as evapotranspiration. H2o enters the vascular system of the plant through the roots and evaporates, or transpires, through the stomata of the leaves. Water in the soil that is not taken up by a constitute and that does not evaporate is able to percolate into the subsoil and boulder. Here information technology forms groundwater.
Groundwater is a significant reservoir of fresh water. It exists in the pores between particles in sand and gravel, or in the fissures in rocks. Shallow groundwater flows slowly through these pores and fissures and eventually finds its fashion to a stream or lake where it becomes a function of the surface water again. Streams do not flow because they are replenished from rainwater directly; they menstruation because at that place is a constant inflow from groundwater below. Some groundwater is found very deep in the bedrock and tin can persist there for millennia. Most groundwater reservoirs, or aquifers, are the source of drinking or irrigation water drawn up through wells. In many cases these aquifers are existence depleted faster than they are being replenished past water percolating down from above.
Rain and surface runoff are major ways in which minerals, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur, are cycled from land to water. The environmental furnishings of runoff will be discussed afterwards as these cycles are described.

The Carbon Wheel
Carbon is the fourth nearly abundant element in living organisms. Carbon is nowadays in all organic molecules, and its role in the structure of macromolecules is of primary importance to living organisms. Carbon compounds contain energy, and many of these compounds from plants and algae have remained stored as fossilized carbon, which humans use equally fuel. Since the 1800s, the utilise of fossil fuels has accelerated. As global need for Earth's express fossil fuel supplies has risen since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has increased every bit the fuels are burned. This increase in carbon dioxide has been associated with climatic change and is a major environmental business organization worldwide.
The carbon cycle is most hands studied equally 2 interconnected subcycles: 1 dealing with rapid carbon commutation among living organisms and the other dealing with the long-term cycling of carbon through geologic processes. The unabridged carbon bike is shown in [Figure 3].

The Biological Carbon Cycle
Living organisms are connected in many ways, even between ecosystems. A good case of this connection is the substitution of carbon betwixt heterotrophs and autotrophs within and betwixt ecosystems past style of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is the bones building block that autotrophs utilise to build multi-carbon, high-free energy compounds, such as glucose. The free energy harnessed from the Sun is used by these organisms to form the covalent bonds that link carbon atoms together. These chemic bonds store this energy for later use in the process of respiration. Most terrestrial autotrophs obtain their carbon dioxide direct from the atmosphere, while marine autotrophs learn it in the dissolved course (carbonic acid, HCO3 –). However the carbon dioxide is caused, a byproduct of fixing carbon in organic compounds is oxygen. Photosynthetic organisms are responsible for maintaining approximately 21 percentage of the oxygen content of the atmosphere that we observe today.
The partners in biological carbon exchange are the heterotrophs (peculiarly the main consumers, largely herbivores). Heterotrophs learn the loftier-energy carbon compounds from the autotrophs past consuming them and breaking them down past respiration to obtain cellular energy, such as ATP. The most efficient type of respiration, aerobic respiration, requires oxygen obtained from the atmosphere or dissolved in h2o. Thus, in that location is a constant exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the autotrophs (which need the carbon) and the heterotrophs (which need the oxygen). Autotrophs also respire and consume the organic molecules they form: using oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. They release more oxygen gas as a waste material production of photosynthesis than they use for their own respiration; therefore, there is excess available for the respiration of other aerobic organisms. Gas substitution through the atmosphere and water is 1 way that the carbon cycle connects all living organisms on Globe.
The Biogeochemical Carbon Bicycle
The movement of carbon through land, water, and air is circuitous, and, in many cases, it occurs much more slowly geologically than the motility between living organisms. Carbon is stored for long periods in what are known equally carbon reservoirs, which include the atmosphere, bodies of liquid water (mostly oceans), ocean sediment, soil, rocks (including fossil fuels), and World's interior.
As stated, the atmosphere is a major reservoir of carbon in the course of carbon dioxide that is essential to the process of photosynthesis. The level of carbon dioxide in the temper is profoundly influenced by the reservoir of carbon in the oceans. The exchange of carbon betwixt the atmosphere and water reservoirs influences how much carbon is found in each, and each ane affects the other reciprocally. Carbon dioxide (COtwo) from the atmosphere dissolves in water and, unlike oxygen and nitrogen gas, reacts with water molecules to grade ionic compounds. Some of these ions combine with calcium ions in the seawater to course calcium carbonate (CaCOiii), a major component of the shells of marine organisms. These organisms eventually form sediments on the ocean floor. Over geologic fourth dimension, the calcium carbonate forms limestone, which comprises the largest carbon reservoir on Earth.
On country, carbon is stored in soil every bit organic carbon as a effect of the decomposition of living organisms or from weathering of terrestrial rock and minerals. Deeper nether the footing, at land and at sea, are fossil fuels, the anaerobically decomposed remains of plants that have millions of years to form. Fossil fuels are considered a non-renewable resource because their utilise far exceeds their rate of germination. A not-renewable resource is either regenerated very slowly or not at all. Another way for carbon to enter the temper is from land (including country beneath the surface of the ocean) by the eruption of volcanoes and other geothermal systems. Carbon sediments from the ocean floor are taken deep within Earth by the process of subduction: the movement of ane tectonic plate below some other. Carbon is released equally carbon dioxide when a volcano erupts or from volcanic hydrothermal vents.
Carbon dioxide is besides added to the atmosphere past the animal husbandry practices of humans. The big number of land animals raised to feed Earth's growing human population results in increased carbon-dioxide levels in the atmosphere caused by their respiration. This is some other case of how act indirectly affects biogeochemical cycles in a significant way. Although much of the argue about the future furnishings of increasing atmospheric carbon on climate change focuses on fossils fuels, scientists take natural processes, such every bit volcanoes, plant growth, soil carbon levels, and respiration, into business relationship as they model and predict the hereafter impact of this increase.
The Nitrogen Cycle
Getting nitrogen into the living world is difficult. Plants and phytoplankton are not equipped to incorporate nitrogen from the atmosphere (which exists every bit tightly bonded, triple covalent Ntwo) even though this molecule comprises approximately 78 percent of the atmosphere. Nitrogen enters the living world via costless-living and symbiotic bacteria, which contain nitrogen into their macromolecules through nitrogen fixation (conversion of Northwardtwo). Cyanobacteria live in most aquatic ecosystems where sunlight is nowadays; they play a key role in nitrogen fixation. Cyanobacteria are able to use inorganic sources of nitrogen to "prepare" nitrogen. Rhizobium bacteria live symbiotically in the root nodules of legumes (such as peas, beans, and peanuts) and provide them with the organic nitrogen they need. Free-living bacteria, such as Azotobacter, are also important nitrogen fixers.
Organic nitrogen is especially important to the study of ecosystem dynamics since many ecosystem processes, such as chief production and decomposition, are limited by the available supply of nitrogen. Equally shown in [Effigy 4], the nitrogen that enters living systems by nitrogen fixation is eventually converted from organic nitrogen back into nitrogen gas by leaner. This process occurs in iii steps in terrestrial systems: ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification. Outset, the ammonification process converts nitrogenous waste material from living animals or from the remains of dead animals into ammonium (NH4 + ) by sure bacteria and fungi. 2d, this ammonium is then converted to nitrites (NO2 −) past nitrifying bacteria, such equally Nitrosomonas, through nitrification. Subsequently, nitrites are converted to nitrates (NO3 −) by similar organisms. Lastly, the procedure of denitrification occurs, whereby bacteria, such as Pseudomonas and Clostridium, catechumen the nitrates into nitrogen gas, thus assuasive it to re-enter the atmosphere.
Fine art Connection

Which of the following statements about the nitrogen cycle is false?
- Ammonification converts organic nitrogenous matter from living organisms into ammonium (NH4 +).
- Denitrification by bacteria converts nitrates (NOthree −)to nitrogen gas (North2).
- Nitrification by bacteria converts nitrates (NO3 −)to nitrites (NO2 −)
- Nitrogen fixing bacteria convert nitrogen gas (Northtwo) into organic compounds.
[reveal-answer q="254476″]Testify Answer[/reveal-respond]
[hidden-reply a="254476″]3: Nitrification past leaner converts nitrates (NO3-) to nitrites (NO3-).[/hidden-respond]
Human being activity can release nitrogen into the environment by ii chief means: the combustion of fossil fuels, which releases unlike nitrogen oxides, and by the utilize of artificial fertilizers (which contain nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) in agriculture, which are and so washed into lakes, streams, and rivers by surface runoff. Atmospheric nitrogen (other than N2) is associated with several furnishings on Earth's ecosystems including the production of acid pelting (as nitric acid, HNOiii) and greenhouse gas effects (as nitrous oxide, N2O), potentially causing climate change. A major event from fertilizer runoff is saltwater and freshwater eutrophication, a process whereby nutrient runoff causes the overgrowth of algae and a number of consequential problems.
A similar process occurs in the marine nitrogen bike, where the ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification processes are performed by marine leaner and archaea. Some of this nitrogen falls to the bounding main floor as sediment, which can then exist moved to country in geologic time past uplift of Globe'due south surface, and thereby incorporated into terrestrial rock. Although the motility of nitrogen from rock directly into living systems has been traditionally seen as insignificant compared with nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere, a recent study showed that this process may indeed be significant and should be included in whatsoever study of the global nitrogen bike. 1
The Phosphorus Bike
Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for living processes; it is a major component of nucleic acids and phospholipids, and, as calcium phosphate, makes up the supportive components of our bones. Phosphorus is oft the limiting nutrient (necessary for growth) in aquatic, specially freshwater, ecosystems.
Phosphorus occurs in nature every bit the phosphate ion (PO4 3-). In improver to phosphate runoff as a issue of human action, natural surface runoff occurs when it is leached from phosphate-containing rock by weathering, thus sending phosphates into rivers, lakes, and the ocean. This stone has its origins in the ocean. Phosphate-containing ocean sediments form primarily from the bodies of ocean organisms and from their excretions. However, volcanic ash, aerosols, and mineral dust may too exist significant phosphate sources. This sediment and so is moved to land over geologic fourth dimension by the uplifting of Globe's surface. ([Effigy 5])
Phosphorus is also reciprocally exchanged betwixt phosphate dissolved in the ocean and marine organisms. The movement of phosphate from the ocean to the land and through the soil is extremely slow, with the average phosphate ion having an oceanic residence fourth dimension betwixt 20,000 and 100,000 years.

Excess phosphorus and nitrogen that enter these ecosystems from fertilizer runoff and from sewage crusade excessive growth of algae. The subsequent death and decay of these organisms depletes dissolved oxygen, which leads to the expiry of aquatic organisms, such as shellfish and finfish. This process is responsible for dead zones in lakes and at the mouths of many major rivers and for massive fish kills, which often occur during the summer months (see [Effigy 6]).

A dead zone is an expanse in lakes and oceans virtually the mouths of rivers where big areas are periodically depleted of their normal flora and animal; these zones can be acquired by eutrophication, oil spills, dumping toxic chemicals, and other human activities. The number of dead zones has increased for several years, and more than 400 of these zones were present as of 2008. One of the worst dead zones is off the coast of the Usa in the Gulf of Mexico: fertilizer runoff from the Mississippi River bowl created a dead zone of over viii,463 foursquare miles. Phosphate and nitrate runoff from fertilizers as well negatively bear on several lake and bay ecosystems including the Chesapeake Bay in the eastern United States.
Chesapeake Bay

The Chesapeake Bay ([Figure 7]a) is i of the most scenic areas on Earth; it is now in distress and is recognized as a case report of a declining ecosystem. In the 1970s, the Chesapeake Bay was one of the first aquatic ecosystems to accept identified dead zones, which continue to kill many fish and bottom-dwelling species such as clams, oysters, and worms. Several species accept declined in the Chesapeake Bay considering surface h2o runoff contains backlog nutrients from artificial fertilizer utilise on state. The source of the fertilizers (with high nitrogen and phosphate content) is not limited to agricultural practices. There are many nearby urban areas and more than 150 rivers and streams empty into the bay that are conveying fertilizer runoff from lawns and gardens. Thus, the decline of the Chesapeake Bay is a complex issue and requires the cooperation of industry, agriculture, and individual homeowners.
Of detail interest to conservationists is the oyster population ([Figure vii]b); it is estimated that more than 200,000 acres of oyster reefs existed in the bay in the 1700s, but that number has now declined to only 36,000 acres. Oyster harvesting was once a major industry for Chesapeake Bay, just it declined 88 percent between 1982 and 2007. This decline was acquired non only past fertilizer runoff and expressionless zones, but also because of overharvesting. Oysters require a sure minimum population density because they must be in close proximity to reproduce. Human activity has altered the oyster population and locations, thus greatly disrupting the ecosystem.
The restoration of the oyster population in the Chesapeake Bay has been ongoing for several years with mixed success. Not simply practise many people notice oysters proficient to eat, just the oysters too make clean upward the bay. They are filter feeders, and equally they consume, they clean the h2o around them. Filter feeders eat by pumping a continuous stream of water over finely divided appendages (gills in the example of oysters) and capturing prokaryotes, plankton, and fine organic particles in their fungus. In the 1700s, it was estimated that information technology took just a few days for the oyster population to filter the entire book of the bay. Today, with the changed water atmospheric condition, information technology is estimated that the present population would have most a year to do the same job.
Restoration efforts have been ongoing for several years by not-profit organizations such equally the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. The restoration goal is to find a mode to increment population density so the oysters can reproduce more efficiently. Many disease-resistant varieties (developed at the Virginia Found of Marine Scientific discipline for the College of William and Mary) are now bachelor and accept been used in the construction of experimental oyster reefs. Efforts by Virginia and Delaware to make clean and restore the bay accept been hampered because much of the pollution entering the bay comes from other states, which emphasizes the need for interstate cooperation to proceeds successful restoration.
The new, hearty oyster strains take too spawned a new and economically viable industry—oyster aquaculture—which not but supplies oysters for nutrient and profit, but also has the added benefit of cleaning the bay.
The Sulfur Bicycle

Sulfur is an essential element for the macromolecules of living things. Every bit function of the amino acrid cysteine, it is involved in the formation of proteins. Equally shown in [Figure viii], sulfur cycles betwixt the oceans, country, and temper. Atmospheric sulfur is found in the grade of sulfur dioxide (SOii), which enters the atmosphere in three ways: first, from the decomposition of organic molecules; second, from volcanic action and geothermal vents; and, 3rd, from the burning of fossil fuels past humans.
On land, sulfur is deposited in four major means: precipitation, straight fallout from the atmosphere, rock weathering, and geothermal vents ([Figure ix]). Atmospheric sulfur is found in the form of sulfur dioxide (So2), and as rain falls through the atmosphere, sulfur is dissolved in the class of weak sulfuric acid (HtwoSO4). Sulfur can also fall directly from the atmosphere in a process called fallout. Also, as sulfur-containing rocks weather, sulfur is released into the soil. These rocks originate from body of water sediments that are moved to land past the geologic uplifting of ocean sediments. Terrestrial ecosystems can then make use of these soil sulfates (SO4 two-), which enter the food web past being taken up by found roots. When these plants decompose and die, sulfur is released back into the temper as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas.

Sulfur enters the bounding main in runoff from land, from atmospheric fallout, and from underwater geothermal vents. Some ecosystems rely on chemoautotrophs using sulfur equally a biological energy source. This sulfur then supports marine ecosystems in the form of sulfates.
Human activities have played a major role in altering the residuum of the global sulfur wheel. The burning of large quantities of fossil fuels, especially from coal, releases larger amounts of hydrogen sulfide gas into the atmosphere. Every bit rain falls through this gas, it creates the phenomenon known as acid rain, which damages the natural environs by lowering the pH of lakes, thus killing many of the resident plants and animals. Acid rain is corrosive rain caused by rainwater falling to the ground through sulfur dioxide gas, turning it into weak sulfuric acid, which causes damage to aquatic ecosystems. Acrid rain also affects the man-made environment through the chemical deposition of buildings. For example, many marble monuments, such equally the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, have suffered significant impairment from acid rain over the years. These examples bear witness the wide-ranging furnishings of man activities on our surroundings and the challenges that remain for our hereafter.
Section Summary
Mineral nutrients are cycled through ecosystems and their environs. Of particular importance are water, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. All of these cycles accept major impacts on ecosystem construction and function. As human activities accept caused major disturbances to these cycles, their study and modeling is peculiarly of import. Ecosystems have been damaged by a variety of human activities that alter the natural biogeochemical cycles due to pollution, oil spills, and events causing global climate change. The wellness of the biosphere depends on agreement these cycles and how to protect the environment from irreversible damage.
Multiple Choice
The bulk of the water found on Earth is:
- water ice
- water vapor
- fresh water
- common salt water
[reveal-reply q="888273″]Bear witness Respond[/reveal-answer]
[hidden-answer a="888273″]4[/hidden-respond]
The procedure whereby oxygen is depleted by the growth of microorganisms due to excess nutrients in aquatic systems is called ________.
- dead zoning
- eutrophication
- retrophication
- depletion
[reveal-answer q="281475″]Evidence Answer[/reveal-answer]
[hidden-answer a="281475″]2[/subconscious-answer]
Complimentary Response
Why are drinking h2o supplies nevertheless a major concern for many countries?
Most of the water on Globe is salt water, which humans cannot potable unless the salt is removed. Some fresh water is locked in glaciers and polar ice caps, or is nowadays in the temper. The earth'due south h2o supplies are threatened by pollution and exhaustion. The endeavour to supply fresh drinking h2o to the planet's ever-expanding homo population is seen as a major challenge in this century.
- ane Scott L. Morford, Benjamin Z. Houlton, and Randy A. Dahlgren, "Increased Woods Ecosystem Carbon and Nitrogen Storage from Nitrogen Rich Bedrock," Nature 477, no. 7362 (2011): 78–81.
- acid pelting
- a corrosive pelting caused by rainwater mixing with sulfur dioxide gas every bit it fall through the temper, turning it into weak sulfuric acrid, causing harm to aquatic ecosystems
- biogeochemical cycle
- the cycling of minerals and nutrients through the biotic and abiotic globe
- dead zone
- an area in a lake and body of water near the mouths of rivers where large areas are depleted of their normal flora and fauna; these zones tin can be caused by eutrophication, oil spills, dumping of toxic chemicals, and other human activities
- eutrophication
- the process whereby nutrient runoff causes the excess growth of microorganisms and plants in aquatic systems
- fallout
- the direct deposition of solid minerals on land or in the ocean from the temper
- hydrosphere
- the region of the planet in which water exists, including the atmosphere that contains water vapor and the region below the ground that contains groundwater
- not-renewable resource
- a resources, such equally a fossil fuel, that is either regenerated very slowly or non at all
- subduction
- the movement of 1 tectonic plate below another
Source: https://opentextbc.ca/conceptsofbiologyopenstax/chapter/biogeochemical-cycles/
Posted by: frazieroffily.blogspot.com
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