
How Can You Tell Whether Cells In Mitosis Are Animal Or Plant Cells

Mitosis in plants and animals

Author(s): Jim Mauch and Jim Schwagle

Microscopy - Instructor's Guide
SED 695B; Autumn 2005

Onion root

Whitefish Blastula

Topics addressed

Description of Investigation

  • Mitotic cycle
  • The function of Chromosomes in heredity
  • Comparison of institute and animal cells

Today you will utilise prepared slides to investigate the phases of mitosis in both plants and animals.

  • Longitudinal sections of the root of Allium, will be used to examine the cells in the root meristem, the growing region of the root.
  • Whole mounts of whitefish blastula volition illustrate reproductive cells in animals. These undifferentiated cells undergo mitosis at a regular interval as the embryo increases in number of cells and complexity.
  • You will make observational drawings and be prepared to accept a applied quiz.


High School:

Cell Biology

one. The primal life processes of plants and animals depend on a variety of chemic reactions that occur in specialized areas of the organism's cells. As a basis for understanding this concept:


Students know how prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells (including those from plants and animals), and viruses differ in complexity and general structure.

Middle Schoolhouse:

Prison cell Biology

1. All living organisms are composed of cells, from just one to many trillions, whose details normally are visible only through a microscope. As a basis for understanding this concept:


Students know the characteristics that distinguish plant cells from animal cells, including chloroplasts and cell walls.


Students know the nucleus is the repository for genetic information in plant and animal cells.


Students know cells divide to increase their numbers through a procedure of mitosis, which results in two girl cells with identical sets of chromosomes.


Students know that as multicellular organisms develop, their cells differentiate.

Report Guide:

Plant and Animal Mitosis

Your objective:

Find and make observations of cells in each phase of mitosis in plant and brute tissue. Compare the differences betwixt plant and animal mitosis. Be able to correctly place the phases from both plant and animal tissue.


  • Prepared slide labeled 'Allium root, mitosis'
  • Prepared slide labeled 'whitefish blastula, mitosis'
  • chemical compound microscope


  • Fix your microscope, identify the onion root slide on the stage and focus on depression (40x) power.
  • move your slide so that your field of view is centered on the root tip.
  • Focus at 100x and re center then that you are focused on the more 'square' meristem cells.
  • Focus at 400x.
  • Slowly move the slide and search for cells in each stage of mitosis
  • When y'all take found one, make a detailed observational cartoon of that jail cell. Label all of import structures (nucleus, chromosome, jail cell plate). Championship the drawing with the blazon of cell, magnification, and phase of mitosis.
  • Proceed with your observations until you accept found cells in each phase and both yous and your partner can easily place each phase.
  • Remove the onion root slide and replace it with the whitefish blastula slide. Focus and center at 40x, 100x, and 400x magnification.
  • Equally instructed above, locate and make observational drawings of each phase of mitosis.
  • Answer the questions below then let your instructor know y'all are ready for your applied quiz.


  1. Which cells (plat or animal) shows the most regularity in the direction in which it divides? Give an explanation for this difference.
  2. What show of cytokinesis is visible in telophase in the onion root cells? Do you have this evidence in your drawing?
  3. What bear witness of cytokinesis is visible in telophase in the whitefish cells? Exercise you take this evidence in your drawing?

Onion Root

Whitefish Blastula

In both slides, you should be looking for a singled-out nucleus, there is the possibility of seeing one or more nucleoli as darker stained regions within the nucleus. The nucleus of these cells is particularly large.

The stains used in both slides should make chromosomes stand up out against the background. Darkly stained chromosomes volition be visible. Both of these pictures are in late prophase.

The chromosomes should line up at the 'equator' of the cell during this phase. It may have a little time to become used to what being 'in line' may hateful, particularly in the onion root slides, Think of the centromeres of each chromosome being in a relative line while the ends of the chromosomes are dangling about. This is probably a bit more distinguishable in the plant cells. There are now two bunches of chromosomes, (the chromatids accept separated and are more toward the poles). In both the plant and animal cells, the private chromosomes are no longer distinguishable and the darkly stained genetic cloth is incased in new nuclear membranes. What evidence of cytokinesis do you see in each picture?

References & Links:

Cells Alive: mitosis blitheness

University of Arizona Tutorial

Stephen Wolniak, U. of Maryland. Tutorial with high magnification photos


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