In What Ways Are Animals Treated Differently In Sustainable Agriculture
Front end Vet Sci. 2019; vi: 336.
Animal Welfare and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Linda Keeling
aneSection of Animal Surroundings and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Håkan Tunón
2Swedish Biodiversity Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Gabriela Olmos Antillón
3Department of Clinical Sciences, Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Charlotte Berg
1Department of Animate being Surround and Health, Swedish University of Agronomical Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Mike Jones
2Swedish Biodiversity Eye, Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Leopoldo Stuardo
4Earth System for Creature Health, Standards Department, Paris, France
Janice Swanson
5Section of Animal Science and Large Animal Clinical Sciences, Michigan Country University, Due east Lansing, MI, United States
Anna Wallenbeck
1Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Christoph Winckler
half dozenSection of Sustainable Agricultural Systems, University of Natural Resource and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Harry Blokhuis
1Department of Brute Environs and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
Received 2019 Jul 16; Accustomed 2019 Sep 17.
This newspaper systematically evaluates the extent to which achieving the Un sustainable development goals (SDGs) is compatible with improving animal welfare. The analyses were based on discussion and independent scoring in a group of 12 participants with academic backgrounds within agricultural or veterinary sciences. We considered all categories of animals; those kept for food production, working and companion animals, just likewise laboratory and wild fauna. The strengths of the links between improving animal welfare and achieving an SDG were scored on a 7-point scale, from being completely indivisible, at one finish of the scale, to where it is incommunicable to accomplish both the SDG and improved beast welfare at the same time. There was good consensus between participants, with the overall scores being positive, indicating that although animal welfare is not explicitly mentioned in the SDGs, working to achieving the SDGs is compatible with working to amend creature welfare. When analyzing the direction of the links, the bear on of achieving an SDG was considered, on average, to be slightly better at leading to improved animal welfare, than the touch of improving animal welfare was on achieving the SDG. The exception to this was for SDG 2, dealing with goose egg hunger. The two SDGs for which in that location was strongest mutual reinforcing were SDG 12, which deals with responsible production and consumption, and SDG 14, which deals with life below water. Nearly of the targets under these two SDGs were considered relevant to creature welfare, whereas when all SDGs were considered, 66 targets of the full of 169 were considered relevant. Although the results of this report advise a mutually benign human relationship between improving animal welfare and achieving SDGs, this should be confirmed on a wider group of people, for example people from less developed countries and other stakeholders. Showing the relationships betwixt creature welfare and the sustainable development goals helps highlight the importance of creature welfare when implementing these goals in practise. The methodology described in this study could also be useful to researchers working with other societal and ecology issues not yet considered within the overall SDG framework.
Keywords: brute well-being, sustainability, conflicts, synergies, one welfare, animal welfare, sustainable development goals
In 2015, the United nations adopted a set of goals that imagines a future just fifteen years off (2030) without poverty and hunger, and safe from the worst effects of climate change and loss of biodiversity (1). These Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have a broad scope, but the role of our domesticated animals likewise as wild animals, including fish, is hardly mentioned and their welfare is not mentioned at all.
The most widely used definition of sustainable development is the one proposed past the UN World Commission on Environment and Evolution in its report Our Common Future (2): "Sustainable evolution is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to see their ain needs." Another focused on sustainable livestock systems is: "A organisation or procedure is sustainable if it is adequate now and if its effects will be acceptable in hereafter, in particular in relation to resources availability, consequences of functioning and morality of action" (3). Sustainable evolution aims to residuum different needs toward achieving dignity, peace and prosperity for people, against an awareness of the ecology, social and economic limitations nosotros face as a society. This implies a holistic approach, fully considering the wider and future impacts of different, and oft competing, needs. Holling (4), who discusses the complexity of the bug declares that sustainability can be seen as the capacity to create, test, and maintain adaptive capability and that the phrase "sustainable development" refers to the goal of fostering adaptive capabilities and creating opportunities.
The 193 member states of the United nations agreed on 17 SDGs roofing cardinal principles of reducing poverty and hunger, improving wellness and well-being, and creating sustainable production and consumption patterns. Information technology is an aggressive programme and one tin can talk over whether the 17 SDGs are the "right" ones, formulated in the "all-time" way, but they course the but globally agreed common framework for people and the planet (five). Under each SDG a serial of targets is formulated likewise as indicators to monitor progress toward the targets. There are currently 169 targets and there is a complex network of interactions betwixt them. It is of import to understand these interactions in order to marshal activities toward balanced outcomes. Methodologies are starting to be developed to assess interactions betwixt targets and to explore how they might be visualized (6, seven). This is both conceptually and practically challenging.
Information technology is well-nigh inevitable, given the complication of the task, that not all relevant areas and aspects are explicitly covered past the SDGs. The contribution of animals in achieving the SDGs is not recognized nor fabricated explicit. Nevertheless, at that place are obvious areas where animals play an important role in the context of sustainable development. These include for instance food security, transport, employment, and livelihoods. There are less positive effects of man's interaction with animals also, equally well as a number of drawbacks associated with continuous growth and intensification of the animate being sector. These include challenges to the surround (gaseous emissions, water and soil pollution, and ecosystem damage), bug regarding beast welfare (animal abuse and negative consequences of intensive selection and production), and fauna and human health (zoonotic diseases and inappropriate apply of antimicrobials and anthelmintics).
The relevance of expert animal welfare and wellness for sustainable development is acknowledged elsewhere e.g., the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), and the World Health System (WHO) agreed in 2010 to share responsibilities and coordinate global activities to address health risks at the animal-human-ecosystems interfaces (eight). More recently the Un Committee on World Food Security proposed draft recommendations on sustainable agricultural development for food security and diet including the role of livestock (nine). Recommendation "D" of Article Viii, entitled "Fauna health and welfare" reads: "Improve animal welfare delivering on the five freedoms and related OIE standards and principles, including through capacity building programs, and supporting voluntary actions in the livestock sector to improve animate being welfare." This was the first time in the UN'due south 71 twelvemonth history that creature welfare had been identified equally a global goal of sustainable agricultural policy (10). In low-cal of these advances in sustainable agriculture policy, at that place is an underlying premise that in that location exists a universal definition of animal welfare.
Brute welfare is the physical and mental land of an animate being in relation to the atmospheric condition in which it lives and dies. An creature experiences good welfare if the animal is healthy, comfortable, well-nourished, safety, is not suffering from unpleasant states such as hurting, fear and distress, and is able to express behaviors that are important for its physical and mental land. Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and appropriate veterinarian care, shelter, management and nutrition, a stimulating and condom environment, humane handling and humane slaughter or killing. While animal welfare refers to the state of the animal, the treatment that an animal receives is covered by other terms such as animal care, animal husbandry, and humane slaughter/killing (eleven).
Today, protecting the welfare of animals has unequivocally entered the public policy mainstream in a growing number of countries, with pregnant public and private regulations governing the welfare of animals in our care (x). In many countries this not just relates to production animals merely also to sport and companion animals, laboratory animals or those used in animate being assisted therapy. Beast welfare science has get a well-established discipline in its own right, greatly extending our understanding of positive also as negative creature physiological and psychological states and our means to appropriately respond to them within the practices of animate being production and of man/animal interactions in full general.
Increasingly, the interconnections between animal health and welfare, and human being health and welfare likewise as their relation with environmental factors (climate change, biodiversity) are being recognized, as shown by the emergence of the "Ane Welfare" concept (12). One Welfare extends and complements the Ane Health theme used for human, animal, and ecology health (13, 14). There are obvious parallels between One Welfare, One Wellness themes, and the SDGs, but as yet these are not clearly defined nor are efforts within these dissimilar areas coordinated to employ any synergies.
Animal health and welfare are closely linked to animal productivity. Expert fauna welfare has therefore a directly and indirect benign financial impact, helps to reduce poverty and has gender implications, as ofttimes women care for livestock (see Figure i for other examples). But of course including creature welfare in sustainable development is more than developing sustainable livestock production systems. Fauna welfare is a common practiced and, as such, a shared responsibleness and an upstanding obligation. A common adept is typically achieved through actions of a community that upshot in uplifting the well-beingness of its members. It can be manifested through a sense of shared values such every bit the welfare of animals. A common expert differs from a public good. A public good has two primary traits, the starting time is non-excludability meaning it is there for all to utilize and no ane tin can be excluded. The second is non-rivalry, which means a person's consumption of that proficient does not diminish another person'south ability to access it. Typically, public goods are bachelor through government activeness and financed through public funds (16). All the same, it is no easy task to integrate targets for the many unlike categories of animals (food producing, working, laboratory, pet, sport, and wild animals) and the dissimilar means in which we interact with them in a counterbalanced way into the diverse SDGs.

Effigy adult past the Food and Agronomical Organisation of the United Nations (15) on how animal production can contribute to the different sustainable development goals (SDGs).
At that place have been a vast number of studies published about the SDGs describing what they cover, what has been neglected in them or how they should more than easily be met. For case, the United nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Bug has found that 73 of the 169 targets within the SDG have strong links to the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and they take consequently been working systematically inside the SDG framework to ensure that ethnic peoples are non left behind in the 2030 agenda (17). Literature surveys in Web of Science and Google Scholar show an almost complete absenteeism of studies relating SDGs to animal welfare. Every bit explained in a higher place, beast welfare is a relevant aspect of sustainable development. Therefore, an understanding of how animal welfare is affecting the SDGs, and vice versa, is essential to codify balanced targets that accept account of animal welfare aspects. This written report aimed to airplane pilot a potential methodological approach toward the analysis of this interaction and provide an initial characterization of the human relationship based on a panel of experts in brute welfare and ecology issues.
The information in this paper is based on two exercises carried out at a workshop called "Animate being Welfare and the Sustainable Development Goals" organized at the Swedish Academy of Agronomical Sciences in June 2018 as part of the Global Challenges University Alliance (GCUA) workshop series and i follow-up home exercise. The 12 active participants were from 8 countries (Sweden, The states, Chile, Italy, Germany, UK, France and Mexico). They worked at a university that was part of the GCUA and had an involvement in this topic, or were an invited speaker. Participants therefore responded to the opportunity to attend and were non selected to be a representative sample. They were mainly academics (vi veterinarians, three creature scientists, two biologists and an ecologist) from the general areas of animal welfare, sustainability and biodiversity. There were 7 females and five males.
The methodological approach consisted of three steps.
Mapping Potential Links Between Animal Welfare and Each SDG
Earlier attending the workshop people were asked to think virtually potential areas in each of the 17 SDGs where there could be links to animal welfare. Each participant was likewise allocated 3 SDGs for which they were asked to consider this in more detail. The outcomes of this preliminary independent pre-workshop consignment were discussed at the workshop and a list of areas in which at that place are potential links between creature welfare and each specific SDG were identified in a brain storming session. We considered all categories of animals, domesticated and wild, and aimed to consider all interactions between animal welfare and the SDGs for them, in high income as well as low-income countries.
Scoring the Strength of the Link Betwixt Animal Welfare and Each SDG and the Management of the Link
The grouping and then discussed whether or not to select specific SDGs and their relationship to animal welfare for farther investigation. Considerations were the number and multifariousness of links between that particular SDG and brute welfare and their potential strength and importance. Since context and time scale matter for such scoring, it was likewise discussed if using the single goal of "improved animal welfare" and linking it to each of the 17 dissimilar SDGs was the optimal arroyo. Other means of defining brute welfare, possibly splitting it into several goals addressing different dimensions of animate being welfare, were therefore discussed, but in the end not applied.
The outcome of the word about how best to define the goal of animal welfare was to utilise the unmarried entity of "improved animate being welfare" and link to the main text of the SDG. For convenience we used the phrase proposed by the World Beast Wellness System "Animal welfare means the concrete and mental country of an brute in relation to the weather condition in which information technology lives and dies" as the definition of creature welfare in this exercise (11). However, we did decide to score the link separately for the 2 directions.
Using the scoring organization adult by Nilsson et al. (half dozen) the links were scored on a seven-bespeak scale from indivisible (score +iii: where the successful achievement of the SDG is inextricably linked to improved animal welfare), to canceling (score−3, where it is impossible to reach both the SDG and improved animal welfare at the same time). These are presented in Table i. Participants independently scored the links between each SDG and animal welfare using an electronic scoring software (MENTIMETER®, Version The scoring was performed for both directions of the link; animal welfare bear upon on SDGs and SDGs' impact on creature welfare. Taking SDG one as the instance, the task was firstly "to score the consequence of ending poverty on animate being welfare improvement" and secondly "to score the contribution of improving animal welfare on catastrophe poverty." This was then repeated for all 17 SDGs resulting in 34 scores per individual, with the exception of i person who missed answering one question.
Table 1
The scoring organisation used to charge per unit the force of the links betwixt improving animal welfare (AW) and achieving a particular sustainable development goal (SDG).
Interaction Proper noun Explanation +3 Indivisible AW and the SDG are inextricably linked to each other, so that achieving 1 results in achieving the other. +2 Reinforcing Improving AW aids the achievement of the SDG or, alternatively, achieving the SDG aids improving AW. +1 Enabling Improving AW creates weather condition that furthers the accomplishment of the SDG, alternatively, achieving the SDG furthers improving AW. 0 Consistent No significant interactions between AW and the SDG. −1 Constraining Improving AW limits options to achieve the SDG, alternatively, achieving the SDG limits options to amend AW. −2 Counteracting Improving AW clashes with achieving the SDG, alternatively, achieving the SDG clashes with improving AW. −3 Canceling Improving AW makes information technology impossible to reach the SDG, alternatively, achieving the SDG makes information technology incommunicable to better AW. Adapted from Nilsson et al. (half dozen).
An initial descriptive analysis was done with the scores obtained at the goal level. The sum of scores was determined besides as the mean score and range for each SDG vs. animal welfare, taking into account the management of the cess. Results were plotted (besprinkle plot with weights and radar-plot) to reach a meliorate qualitative understanding of the associations every bit valued by the panel of experts. To evaluate if in that location was a score departure in the bear on of achieving a specific SDG on animal welfare vs. the impact of improving animal welfare on the achievement of an SDG, a Wilcoxon-signed-rank exam was done amongst the pair of scores given past the 12 participants. All analyses were washed using SAS® software (version 9.four).
Qualitative Exploration of Links Between Animal Welfare and the Targets Nether SDGs
Later the meeting, participants were asked to consider in more detail the targets nether each SDG and their links to animal welfare. Pre-workshop the participants had done this merely for the three allocated SDGs. Given that at that place are 169 targets, a full scoring was considered impractical at this stage. Rather participants were asked to decide whether each target was associated with brute welfare or not. The number of targets associated with beast welfare was then counted.
Mapping Potential Links Between Animate being Welfare and Each SDG
The results of the brainstorming session to propose potential links are summarized in Table 2. The majority of the identified links were related to animals kept for food product (farm or aquaculture) or to working animals (equids), but in some cases the links could apply to all categories of animate being. An instance is in SDG ane, where centrolineal industries providing services to animal owners would benefit from reduced poverty. This would apply to owners of any category of animal, not but farmers. Another case is in SDG four, as pedagogy for children can relate to animals in full general. Some links were nevertheless specifically associated with companion brute welfare or wildlife. In SDG 3 owning a pet was mentioned as existence associated with improved physical and psychological health of the possessor. Whereas, in SDG 11 an example was given about the importance of urban wild fauna management and in SDG fourteen several examples related to wild fish. The welfare aspects mentioned in connection with the SDGs were almost exclusively related to animal health and productivity. Although there did seem to be variation between SDGs in the number of links to fauna welfare, and in the consequences of the link for sustainable development or for fauna welfare, links were identified for all SDGs and then it was decided to continue to investigate all SDGs in the next stage.
Tabular array two
Outcome from brainstorming practice on the links betwixt animate being welfare and the sustainable evolution goals (SDG).
SDG | Links betwixt animal welfare and the sustainable development goals |
![]() | • Improved welfare of farm animals may provide paths out of poverty via increased productivity and product efficiency, decreased veterinarian care costs, lengthening of the production life, increased fertility, increased product quality or value, and access to new markets. • Allied industries, i.eastward., those providing services to fauna owners, may also benefit from reduced poverty. • In the case of working animals (e.k., equids), improved welfare contributes to increasing transport and carrying capacity, and so promoting income. |
![]() | • Improved welfare of food animals leads to more meat, milk and eggs, and as well to improved product quality, so decreasing nutrient losses and wastes. • In the case of working animals it contributes to increasing agricultural production. • Maintaining genetic diversity may contribute to maintaining good animate being health and welfare quondam in the future. • Biodiversity (e.g., pollinating insect populations) may promote amend grazing opportunities with a wider range of plants for animals on pasture, leading to improve food recycling and hence improved meat and milk production. • Improved nutritional status of animals may come up at the cost of increased hunger in human being populations because of food-feed competition. |
![]() | • Expert welfare in animals increases their immuno-competence and resistance to zoonotic diseases, that can be transferred to humans, assuasive decreases in the use of antimicrobials, and and then reducing the take a chance for multi resistance. • Owning a pet can be associated with improved physical and psychological health. Fauna-assisted therapy is used for various concrete and psychological disorders, then contributing to human well-beingness. |
![]() | • Educating children near animals can improve empathy and reduce interpersonal violence. • Children are the next generation of consumers who tin can create a market for enhanced welfare products. • Education of farmers, and those interacting with animals, tin can change attitudes toward animal welfare and farmers can share noesis about animal husbandry practices in customs based projects. • Provision of information to adults (consumers and citizens) affects societal attitudes and demand related to animal production, likewise as how pet and sports animals are treated. |
![]() | • Animals are often cared for by women and improving the status and welfare of animals enhances their function. • Improving the welfare of animals in a customs besides improves empathy between dissimilar groups within their societies and reduces violence among genders. |
![]() | • Clean water and sanitation are important for the health of both animals and humans, so there are mutual benefits. • In times of shortage, contest for water may be a trouble. Animals may also contaminate drinking water. |
![]() | • Animals or their waste material products can be used to create renewable energy, increasing their importance and value to the community. • Increasing the welfare of typhoon animals improves their functioning, and so providing an improved energy source and simultaneously increasing animal welfare. |
![]() | • Sustainable livestock systems developed for a specific region tin can increase the economic value of the animals leading to boosted incentives to improve welfare and vice versa. • Economic growth and incentives in the short term can make it possible for farmers to leave systems where fauna welfare is substandard. • Links to fauna welfare incentives tin better worker job satisfaction e.chiliad., in slaughterhouses. • Appropriate animal handling, adjusted to the nature and beliefs of the animals, reduces fauna'due south stress as well as risks and occupational hazards for workers. • Working with animals or having pets at the work place tin can besides heighten the working environs. • Working dogs (drug command, dogs for the blind etc.) work meliorate when their welfare is skilful. |
![]() | • There are business organization opportunities to develop new systems and technologies that also enhance animal welfare. Involvement in the welfare of farm, companion, laboratory animals etc. can atomic number 82 to new industries to supply this demand and to new innovation opportunities. |
![]() | • Harmonization of creature welfare standards globally reduces inequalities and provides possibilities for increased trade of loftier animal welfare products too as preventing merchandise inequalities leaving some countries behind. • Financial loans to industries also every bit those to pocket-size-holder farmers can exist provisional on improved animal welfare. • Sharing of veterinarian services (PVS pathway) can reduce inequalities in animate being disease control. |
![]() | • Having subcontract animals near cities tin can better possibilities for education virtually animals as well as improve nutrient security and reduce the distances live animals are transported. • Cities can be designed to exist pet friendly (e.g., domestic dog parks) and responsible ownership reduces devious dogs with its associated human health aspects. • Urban wildlife management and reducing habitat loss improves biodiversity and sustainability, merely also requires that waste production from cities is managed appropriately. |
![]() | • The responsible and restrictive use of antimicrobials requires good brute welfare, but also minimizes development of antimicrobial resistance. • Changing our consumption patterns in order to utilize the entire animal more than efficiently, will reduce environmental load and reduce the number of animal lives used in total. • Feeding ruminants only with feed that is unsuitable for humans avoids competition over certain food sources and improves sustainability. • Decreasing consumption of food of animal origin (which includes fish) and increasing the willingness to pay the true cost of beast-derived nutrient will increase the possibility for farmers to improve the welfare of the animals they keep and reduce the negative environmental consequences of high animal protein diets. |
![]() | • Climate change increases the adventure that animals will be exposed to new diseases. Animate being species should exist kept or used for farming in the climate in which they evolved or where the breed was selected. • Although there are many uncertainties when calculating the carbon footprint of livestock products, it is general agreed that at that place is a link to creature welfare in that production efficiency and longevity are improved in animals with good welfare. |
![]() | • Improved welfare of farmed fish leads to a reduction in the need for antibiotics in aquaculture. • There are synergies e.g., reducing plastics benefits both fish welfare and the environment. • Improved methods of catching wild fish will improve their welfare, the quality of wild fish production and reduce by-catch. • Creating a demand for alternative fish species will reduce the wastage associated with by-grab and may reduce need for threatened species. • Advisable pick of fish for aquaculture, better adapted to the environmental conditions, will improve fish welfare and the sustainability of the production by and large. |
![]() | • Modified approaches to grazing can reduce soil loss, ameliorate carbon sequestration, and increase the diverseness of soil biota. • A well-balanced grazing on meadows or semi-natural grasslands contributes to biodiversity • Providing people with farmed sources of protein, produced according to practiced animal welfare standards, will reduce illegal hunting, illegal trade, and reduce the hazard of manual of zoonoses. • Responsible ownership of animals (farm and pets) can reduce the incidence of detrimental interactions with wildlife. |
![]() | • Improved governance of veterinary services and competent authorities can guide and enforce skillful animal welfare policies. • Increased participatory and representative conclusion making, such as past stakeholder interest, will help ensure that animal welfare regulations are appropriate and enforceable. • Brute welfare is at hazard where governance is functioning poorly or in countries at war. |
![]() | • Public private partnerships can exist constructive nationally and globally in supporting initiatives to improve animal welfare. • Trade agreements can support welfare developments, providing financial support and incentives to improve animal welfare. • Providing support for countries to reduce their national debt and lift their possibilities to develop their domestic capacity may indirectly also improve animal welfare according to many of the links identified in earlier goals. |
Scoring the Strength of the Link Between Animal Welfare and Each SDG and the Management of the Link
The overall mean score was positive, showing an overall co-benefit between achieving sustainable evolution and improving brute welfare. The boilerplate score for the impact of achieving the SDG on improving animal welfare was slightly stronger (1.15) than the effect of improving animal welfare on achieving the SDGs (0.89). However, this was not consistent beyond all SDGs, as tin exist seen from the radar-plot (Figure 2). For example, for SDG ii participants scored that the touch of improved animal welfare on ending hunger was stronger than the event of achieving the SDG on improving animal welfare (W = 2.59, p = 0.047). Whereas, for SDGs 4, 5, ten, 16, and 17 participants scored that the impact of achieving the SDG on improving animal welfare was stronger than the bear upon of improved creature welfare on enabling the SDG (Westward = −eighteen, P = 0.008; W = −18, P = 0.008; W = −xiv, P = 0.002; W = −18, P = 0.008; W = −22.five, P = 0.004, respectively). For the other SDGs the scores in the ii directions did not differ.

Overview of the average score for each sustainable development goal (SDG)—animal welfare (AW) link. The greenish line (dashed line with triangles) refers to the impact of AW on achieving the SDG and the blue line (dotted line with squares) to the impact of the SDG on achieving improved AW.
The mean score and range of scores from participants were plotted on two axes, one showing the impact of achieving the SDG on animal welfare and the other the impact of improving animal welfare on the SDG (Figure 3A). Noticeable from this Figure is the grouping of all means in the top right quadrant of the axes, reflecting the mainly positive scores. Additionally, from this Figure nosotros can see the differences in the range around each SDG. The minimum range (nigh consensus that there was no or little association) was for SDG nine which deals with industry innovation and infrastructure (consequence of improved animal welfare on SDG ranged from 0 to 1) and SDG vii which deals with affordable clean free energy (effect of achieving the SDG on animal welfare ranged from 0 to ane). On the other hand, the maximum range was for the effect of SDG 13 (range −2 to 2) and SDG 8 (range −i to 3) on animal welfare; where SDG viii deals with decent work for all and economic growth, and SDG 13 deals with climate activeness.

(A) Besprinkle plot of the rated touch on of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) on animal welfare (AW) (Y-axis) vs. rated touch on of improving AW on the SDGs (10-axis). The size of the chimera represents the total sum of the scores given by the participants. The bars show the minimum and maximum score given by the participants. (B) Scatter plot focused on the height right quadrant of (A). Y-axis is the impact of the SDG on AW. X-axis is the bear on of improved AW on the SDG. 3 main groups of SDGs are marked: (one) the consistent grouping (gray dots), (2) the enabling/reinforcing group of SDGs (yellowish points), and (3) the mutually reinforcing group (blueish).
Taking the average of the everyman scores (near negative in the range) of answers for each of the 34 questions, or the average of the highest scores (most positive) for the questions, allows usa to generate a worst-case and a best-case scenario for the links between animal welfare and the SDGs. However, even taking the worst-case scenario (Effigy 3A), the average score for improving brute welfare on the SDGs is −0.xi and for the touch on of achieving the SDGs on animal welfare the hateful score is −0.3. This score of effectually zero would be in the consistent range, having no significant positive or negative interactions (Table 1). Taking the all-time-case scenario (Figure 3A), where the highest scores for each of the questions are considered, the hateful score for improving animal welfare on the SDGs is 2.2 and, for the touch on of achieving the SDGs on animal welfare, the mean score is 2.5. This score is in the reinforcing range, meaning that it aids the achievement of some other goal (Table one).
Most interesting is, what this (Effigy 3A) tells u.s.a. about the different SDGs and their relationship to creature welfare. Effigy 3B zooms in on the top correct quadrant and information technology can exist seen that the SDGs can exist separated into three groups. There is a high mutual enabling of the SDG on beast welfare and of improved beast welfare enabling the SDG, for SDGs 1, two, 3, viii, 12, 14, fifteen. Those SDGs where there is a mutually consistent human relationship are SDGs (6), 7, nine, 10, 11, and 13. SDG 6 is on the border betwixt groups. Therefore, for 13 of the 17 SDGs there was a relatively symmetrical relationship betwixt the two directions of the link. An asymmetric relation (differences in the strength of the link according to the direction) occurred only in the situation where there was an enabling of the impact of improving animal welfare on achieving the SDG, and a reinforcing of the impact of achieving the SDG on improving brute welfare. These "enabling/reinforcing" SDGs were 4, 5, (half-dozen), xvi and 17. There were no SDGs with the equivalent, merely contrary symmetric relation, although SDG 1 is borderline (Effigy 3B).
Qualitative Exploration of Links Between Animal Welfare and the Targets Under SDGs
Given that from the scoring in the workshop, all SDGs were found to be linked to animal welfare, information technology is non surprising that at to the lowest degree one of the targets under each SDG, only often several, could also be linked to animal welfare in the follow-upwardly dwelling house exercise. For some SDGs east.chiliad., SDG 1, 2, and 12 many of the targets were linked to animal welfare, whereas for others a much smaller proportion of the targets were considered relevant. In total 66 out of the 169 targets were considered relevant to beast welfare by all four participants who completed this task.
The two most noticeable outcomes of this series of exploratory exercises on the relationships between achieving the SDG and improving brute welfare are, firstly, the considerable consensus in scoring between participants and, secondly, that of the 34 relationships scored (17 SDGs × 2 directions of influence) 29 were on average positive, and none were on average negative. That is to say, in the opinion of the participants there is no conflict between achieving an SDG and improving animal welfare, rather creating the i actually helps achieving the other. In the following sections nosotros discuss these results and make suggestions for farther research in this new area.
Relationships Betwixt the SDGs and Beast Welfare
The first point to exist discussed is the reliability and the generalizability of these views. The sample size of respondents was small and nearly people were employed past a university, then the participants were clearly not a representative sample. The study should be repeated with a wider range of stakeholder categories and with a broader demographic sample to see whether similar scores are obtained. Although all participants were interested enough in the general surface area to attend the workshop, they had different backgrounds and came from unlike regions in Europe and the Americas, even if these countries are similar in terms of economic development. Knowledge of sustainable development and creature welfare, both of which are complex areas combining science, practice, and upstanding aspects, also varied. It tin also be assumed that the participants' view on the multidimensional concept of animal welfare varied, i.due east., whether emphasis is more put on biological functioning, the emotional well-beingness or the and so-called naturalness (18). The statements in the initial mapping of potential links (Tabular array 2), however, primarily addressed aspects such as the health or nutritional state of the animals, indicating that the biological functioning arroyo was mostly considered in relation to brute welfare and SDGs. We did not ask people to specify which species, or which activities involving animals they were thinking of when they made the scoring. We tentatively speculate that the assessments fabricated in this exercise will be biased toward the normative values (19) of the participants and impact the wicked issues (20) that can ascend from this source of social complexity (21).
The range of scores for a item correlation was also never more four score points, out of the potential seven, which furthermore supports good consensus, even if nosotros cannot exclude the run a risk for a positive bias in the scoring considering of initial interest in the topic. We discuss the findings of these exercises, simply put most emphasis in this give-and-take on the questions they raise for further research and on the methodological aspects.
Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Links
From the scoring it seems to exist that achieving the SDGs are in general a stronger enabler for improving animal welfare than the other way around. Given the breadth of each of the SDGs, this is perhaps non surprising so we instead enquire the question—Why this was not the case for SDGs 1 and two (although only significant for SDG ii), dealing with no poverty and nada hunger? Some indications of why animal welfare may be a stronger enabler for achieving these SDGs came out of the brain storming, summarized in Table two. These goals can exist clearly linked to the production of nutrient, much of which comes from beast sources, or involve working animals to help in the product. Thus, improving animal welfare tin contribute to achieving improvements in fauna and food product and thus a mode out of poverty and hunger.
The clearest asymmetry in the opposite direction, when achieving the SDG has a greater touch on improving creature welfare, was for SDGs 4, 5, 10, 16, and 17, dealing with educational activity, gender equality, reduced inequality generally, justice, and partnerships. While there are arguments, as illustrated by FAO (Figure 1), in how promoting animal welfare and improved livestock production can help achieve these SDGs, the participants in the workshop regarded the link to exist strongest in the opposite direction. These item goals are related to a better operation and more equal society. It could exist suggested that such a society facilitates increasing sensation of the importance of animal welfare or providing the mechanisms for it to exist improved. There is, for case, increasing sensation of the importance of educating children well-nigh animals, to prepare them for their function as future consumers (22, 23), and gender equality promotes the office of women who are shown to give college importance to animate being welfare than men (24).
While acknowledging that educating children as future consumers will inevitably link to livestock production, irrespective of the level of development of the state, SDGs 4, v, 10, sixteen, and 17 are also very relevant to other categories of animals. Education is merely as likely to involve companion animals and enforcement of legislation is just as likely to be related to laboratory animals or to conservation bug. In summary, including other categories of animals and thinking globally leads to even more links between animal welfare and sustainable development, as already demonstrated in the One Wellness and 1 Welfare approaches (12–fourteen).
Focusing on the Mutually Enabling SDGs
While in that location was clearly an overall positive relationship betwixt achieving an SDG and improving animal welfare, the link reached the reinforcing level only for some SDGs. The SDGs 12 and 14 were strongest in this respect, in that their boilerplate scores were approaching 2. These SDGs deal with responsible consumption and product, and life below water, respectively. The scores are peradventure non surprising given the long established discussions on sustainable agronomics and line-fishing practices (25).
In Effigy 3B, we classified all those SDGs which had an boilerplate score in both directions of >one, every bit "mutually reinforcing." It is interesting to meet if at that place are any commonalities between these "mutually reinforcing" SDGs and if these, in some way, contrast with communalities of those SDGs which had an average score of <1, which we have called "consistent." A third group was chosen "enabling/reinforcing." Perhaps the clearest difference is that both the "mutually reinforcing" and "enabling/reinforcing" groups (bluish and yellow in Figure 3B) are anthropocentric or zoocentric SDGs, i.east., dealing with humans or other living beings. On the other hand, the "consequent" SDGs deal with more "technical" issues, like affordable and clean free energy, industry and innovation, trade inequality, sustainable cities and climate. Although it is interesting that despite their emphasis on industry and urban life, achieving these SDGs was still considered not to be in conflict with achieving improved animal welfare. Reasons for this get apparent from the brain storming do summarized in Table two. They seem to relate to the contribution of agronomical innovation to safeguarding the welfare of animals, for example, by reducing the use of equids for heavy transport in developing countries or by using technologies in the area of precision livestock farming to monitor and improve animate being welfare. Furthermore, it is also in the word of these "consistent" SDGs that companion animals were mentioned in the brain storming; they play a role in the spread of disease via waste matter or in issues related to stray dogs in cities.
Range of Scores Between Participants
The range of scores was smallest amid the 12 participants for SDG seven and SDG 9 (dealing with affordable and make clean free energy, and manufacture, innovation, and infrastructure, respectively), and greatest for the effect of SDG 8 and SDG 13 (dealing with decent work for all and economic growth, and climate action, respectively). It is non articulate why the minimum and maximum range of scores occurred for just these SDGs, only information technology has been discussed that context when scoring; the land, geography, and technology level, is important (6). In the exercise by Weitz et al. (7), the authors themselves selected the targets for which they wanted to perform the cross touch on analysis and they outlined the context whereas we did not exercise this. It may have been, for instance when scoring the link between SDG 8 and creature welfare, that participants had different countries, species or scenarios in heed when scoring. The scores ranged from +three (indivisible) to −1 (constraining) although there was nobody that scored cypher (consequent) and, although only 1 example, a bimodal distribution would support that participants were considering unlike scenarios. In dissimilarity, for SDG ix the majority of participants scored zero for this question, which may possibly imply a lack of scenarios to guide scoring or, irrespective of the scenario, there is petty interaction between animal welfare and this SDG. In futurity studies, it might exist worth asking participants afterwards to indicate how certain they felt about their answer, which is often done in proficient elicitation during take a chance analyses (26).
Selecting SDGs and Further Study of Targets
Even though the link to animal welfare is interesting for all SDGs, information technology was not viable to score links between all 169 targets and animate being welfare. Has this pilot study helped us decide which targets to focus upon? One proposition would exist to focus on the two SDGs where the links to brute welfare were strongest, namely SGDs 12 (Responsible consumption and product) and xiv (Life below h2o). These SDGs have 11 and 10 targets, respectively. It would consequence in 21 links to be scored if we linked each target just to fauna welfare. Another option would be to focus on the 66 targets more often than not considered to have relevance to creature welfare, and to investigate whether there are synergies or conflicts.
Methodology and Implications for Hereafter Research
As stated in the introduction, other sectors of society take been active when they perceive that their area of interest has not been sufficiently addressed in the SDGs, just rarely has the gap assay been systematic.
We based our arroyo on that used past Weitz et al. (7), simply at that place are some notable differences. The first is that nosotros investigated and scored the link between all 17 SDGs and brute welfare, rather than scoring the links betwixt selected SDG targets. Secondly we did not make our scoring context specific, but left that open for participants. There are potential advantages and disadvantages to this strategy. This open up approach with no a priori selection of SDGs led to some interesting findings regarding links betwixt animal welfare and SDGs that might not accept been credible otherwise. On the other hand, the lack of context may accept led to a wider spread of scores between participants. Even if this was the case, the consensus was considerable, implying that people are capable of integrating many dissimilar potential scenarios and contexts to come up up with an overall score. In this respect, the brainstorming which served the function of raising sensation of the many different contexts probably helped. It could be interesting in a future study to ask people after scoring, which species and scenarios they had in mind when rating the forcefulness of the link.
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated for this study are bachelor on request to the corresponding writer.
Author Contributions
GOA and AW performed the statistical analysis. A start draft of the manuscript was prepared by LK, expanded by HB, HT, GOA, MJ, CB, and AW, then further revised past LS, JS, and CW. All authors approved the last version, attended the workshop, and took part in the discussions and scoring.
Conflict of Involvement
The authors declare that the inquiry was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed equally a potential conflict of involvement.
We give thanks the Global Challenges University Alliance for their back up in connexion with the workshop, Birgitta Staaf Larsson for analogous the scoring using the Mentimeter®, and all participants for their contributions.
Funding. The workshop where this data was collected was supported by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences via the Global Challenges University Brotherhood.
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