
How To Draw A Garden Plan

You been thinking about your garden?  Me too.

Got any new ideas & plans?Yeah, me too.

Been dog earring seed & plant catalogues?  Pinning to your garden boards?Yup, me too.

Well my flower loving friends, it is time to get real and almost time to get dirty!

But we gotta have a plan before we start.

This is the first in a series of posts I am writing for us.

The series is:YOUR GARDEN FROM THE GROUND UP. ( my garden too ) We'll do it together.

The time for looking, lusting & pinning is over.

It is the time to plot, plan & draw.

How to draw a garden plan

Now don't get scared off - no need to be a fine artist or a landscape architect.  You know what your yard looks like & you have ideas for what you want it to look like.

This is where the garden plan comes into play, to take your garden from what it is today to what you dream it to be.

Drawing a garden plan is not complicated - it is easy & fun.  Let's do it together.

How to draw a garden plan

How to Draw a Simple Garden Plan

Easy steps to a simple plan to take your ideas & turn them into the real garden you have been dreaming about.

Ready? Let's do this!

What you need:

  • graph paper
  • pencils - colored & regular
  • ruler
  • measuring tape

Oh, and my advice!

How to draw a garden plan

What you need to do:

  • measure your yard/garden bed - the perimeter & size of existing beds
  • note existing features such as a path, fence, large trees that you intend to keep
  • decide on a scale for your drawing - I use one box on the graph paper = one foot
  • draw in what is there that is staying
  • then draw in what is going to be there
  • add in the type of sun each area gets using symbols or words

No need to add in specific plants at this stage.  Simply outline the size & shape of the beds.  Add features you might like, such as benches, fountains or gravel paths.

Remember you have an eraser on hand, so if you don't like something rub it out.  Much easier than returning plants or dragging benches etc. back to the store.

Including the amount & time areas get sun is very helpful later when you are choosing the exact plants.

After completing your drawing watch the sun and indicate with a symbol or words ~full sun, part sun, mostly shade, full shade.  You can get even more detailed by adding am or pm sun to your drawing.

Imagine how helpful the sun information will be later when deciding exactly what to plant!

Plan now so you are sure later.Oh that is so darn sensible - just like a gardener would be.

How to draw a garden plan

This is my initial draft of my Garden Plan including what is staying, new front beds with a backdrop of a vintage iron fence left by the previous owner ( noted by the X's ) and a curved bed close to the house.  Later after some watching, I will add in the amount of sun each area gets.  Then I will choose my plants & add them in to the drawing.

See how easy that was...and so relaxing to draw & color it.

Why draw a garden plan?

  • gives perspective & form to your garden ideas
  • helps determine the amount of plants you need to fill your beds
  • helps you focus in the face of all those beautiful plants at the nursery ( never buy one of each! )
  • makes choosing the correct plants for your garden a breeze
  • to create a record of what you planted for future reference ( now where did I plant those bulbs? )

The drawing is intended to give you perspective on your ideas, be a launching pad for the down & dirty planting and as a reference for years to come.  You see, once the plants are chosen you will fill in the location & name of each.

We will get on to choosing the right plants in part three of our series: YOUR GARDEN FROM THE GROUND UP.  So stick around.  Subscribe here so you don't miss a post.

Part two will be all about your soil. Talk dirt to me you say? I will!!

Garden soil

In my garden plan I will be adding beds, enlarging & curving beds and adding features.  The garden I bought into here at my new soulful home is as uninspired as it was untended.  What are your garden plans?

To get the spectacular white garden of my dreams, I need to plan.  I needed to draw a garden plan.

How to draw a garden plan

You want to plan along with me?  Join me here.  As my series unfolds we can share in the success of drawing, designing & digging our dream gardens together.

Tell me, are you a planner?

** Kelly **

Read Part 2 Your Garden from the Ground Up ~ Amending your Soil.

p.s. You may also like to read this on Boxwoods & this on Privacy Hedging ... and if you want to follow a stunning inspirational garden board on Pinterest - follow here.

How To Draw A Garden Plan


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